Febrile Seizures in Children

What is a Febrile Seizure? A seizure is a temporary disturbance in the electrical connections in the brain. A Febrile Seizure is one caused by fever. These are also called a Febrile Seizure and/or a Febrile Convulsion (we’ll use the terms interchangeably here). While...

Juggling Chainsaws & Protective Clothing

Juggling Chainsaws Just something we found lying around. If you ever wonder about the safety of your staff, things could be worse. They could be juggling chainsaws in pink underwear (in Covent Garden, it seems). [youtube...

Social Media in an Emergency

We’ve written before about ‘can I eMail 911?’ – to which the answer was no. However social media is becoming a mainstream means of communication. So, we wondered what would it look like if we were to use social media in an emergency. We looked...

Chainsaw Safety, Protective Equipment and Training

Chainsaw Safety Training – it’s not just about protective equipment; It’s about you and your skills as well. Now that we offer chainsaw safety training on-line, we’ve done some research. Recently that helped us to create the chainsaw safety...

Asthma for the First Aider

What is Asthma? A breathing condition in which the airways constrict (narrow) making it harder to breathe. It is most common in children and young adults although it could affect anyone. Asthma attacks can come on quickly and at their most serious could leave you...