Free eBooks – really? Yes!! Sure you can sign-up-for-spam somewhere on the web and get “Ten Free Safety Tips” but our job is to help you stay safe, not email crap to you. We have written seven free eBooks for you and they’re ready to download – no sign up, no selling your first-born to the devil. From kids colouring pages to workplace assessments, there’s probably one for you. There’s likely one for your friends too and as they’re all free, why not share!?
1. Choosing Safety – this free eBook is all about how to assess who needs safety training in the workplace. Understand who already has training, do needs assessments, train to fill the gaps.
2. Documenting Training – in the workplace. This follow-up eBook focuses on how to document that training – whether it’s something staff already have, or some on-line training they took, or classroom based work… if it’s not documented then as far as the safety inspector is concerned, it might as well not have happened.
3. Alphabet Soup! – if you’ve ever done a first aid course, you probably know the ABC’s of first aid, but it goes further than this. Drink you the alphabet soup and learn about the ABCDEFGs of first aid in this free eBook.
Download any/all of them right here, free.
4. 10 Things you wanted to know about CPR that (probably) weren’t covered in your last class….. How old do kids need to be before they learn? What exactly are you doing when you perform CPR? This free eBook clarifies the questions you didn’t even know you had until the person next to you in class asked. Yes these are all genuine students questions.
5. Choking – your number one fear? I often start class by asking people what they want/expect to learn, and what they are afraid of having to deal with. Often we can have whole classes whose only fear is Kids Choking. So we wrote an eBook about it, and what to do if it happens. And that eBook is free.
6. Freddie the First Aid Frog – an eBook that’s not actually ours. We’ve no idea where it came from (let us know if you do!) but it’s a good opportunity to discuss the basics with your youngest while they colour in the pages. (Hint: Print out the pdf, don’t let them colour on your screen unless you use washables, and even then…)
7. 101 Driver Safety Tips – to accompany our on-line driver safety training. We got upset with seeing the same basic ‘Top 10 Tips’; then we got mad; then we wrote 101 top tips for you. Come to think of it, I’m sure we went overboard and added one or two more bonus tips too. Yes we know you think you’re Gods Gift to the road, do everyone else a favour and download this.
Download them now! Then share the download page (or this post) with three of your closest friends. They’ll thank you for the free gift and there’s no sign-up-to-be-spammed or any other web nonsense, it’s just plain free.
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