Let’s face it – most of us spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at work. So it’s natural we want ‘Christmas at work’ even if we don’t want Christmas day at work! Here are some guidelines for having a safe Christmas at work.

Christmas Trees

  • Chose artificial Christmas trees for your Christmas at work, live trees will dry over time and can constitute a serious fire hazard.
  • Choose one that it is made from fire resistant materials. Look for a statement specifying this protection on the packaging.
  • Don’t block exits, traffic routes, fire safety equipment or electrical panels with your tree (or anything else)

Christmas Candle

Holiday Lighting

  • Candles and open flames – just don’t, use battery operated candles instead.
  • Carefully inspect new and previously used light strings. Discard any damaged ones.
  • Use only approved light strings per your local safety standards. Try LEDs – they produce little heat, are more efficient, and last longer. Then read and follow manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Do not overload extension cords! A maximum of 3 light strings can be connected to a single extension cord.
  • Inspect extension cords before use for signs of damage; ensure they are not run under carpets or in areas where they may experience wear. Tape down any that may be a trip hazard. Dispose of frayed or damaged cords.

 Decorations for your Christmas at Work

  •  Whenever possible, choose decorations that are non-flammable or fire resistant.
  • Do not hang decorations on or near fire detection devices (sprinkler heads, smoke & heat detectors or fire alarm pull stations).
  • Do not use decorations to block or disguise exit doors (i.e. wrapping a door to look like a present) – especially your emergency exits!

Any other suggestions? Just add them to the comment box below….