2016 First Aid Changes

Some of you will be aware that little changes were made in 2016-7 to first aid training. The good news is that nothing hugely significant changed (in our opinion) but there are a few points that you need to know about. Come see us in class to practice. We Changed the...


Yes, they’re back in the First Aid Book once again. (Remember as always, we are a Canadian Training Company – your country may have different rules!) The use of tourniquets is always a source of debate in First Aid Training. They certainly save lives, but...

The Foundations of First Aid

The following five steps will help you to organise your approach to treating those in need. These Foundations of First Aid are found in the back of the current Red Cross training manual.   Foundations of First Aid 1: Protect Yourself Your safety always has to...

We changed the recovery position (again)

Well, kinda. Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, you will know that first aid has had some revisions. One of these changes was to the recovery position. Until recently if you came to class, you would have seen and learned the HAINES recovery position. The...

Chainsaw Safety Tips for the Lads

Spend an hour with us and save a life or limb. Here are the lads top 10 chainsaw safety tips for you. Tip 1. It’s we one we hate, lads, but it’s necessary. RTFM! (Read the… Friendly… Manual, sure – ‘friendly’ sounds good right...

Preventing Anaphylaxis in Children

To reduce the risk of food allergy & anaphylaxis, parents have often been told to avoid giving children specific foods at an early age. But is this the right approach? Probably not. What’s the problem? Food allergy among children is common, affecting up to 2...