2016 First Aid Changes

Some of you will be aware that little changes were made in 2016-7 to first aid training. The good news is that nothing hugely significant changed (in our opinion) but there are a few points that you need to know about. Come see us in class to practice. We Changed the...

Lawnmowers and Kids don’t mix

A lawnmower? Seriously! Find the little people a different job to do for you. Recent (US) research has found about 16 mower-related accidents per state, per year. Most of them (unsurprisingly) in the warm months from April to September. About ¾ of them could have been...

Choosing Safety – Why it matters

All employers have a legal responsibility to educate their employees on all workplace safety standards and any (and all) hazards that their staff could encounter while on the job. ‘Training’ covers a huge range of topics, but give consideration to the...
Free eBooks on Safety Training

Free eBooks on Safety Training

Free eBooks – really? Yes!! Sure you can sign-up-for-spam somewhere on the web and get “Ten Free Safety Tips” but our job is to help you stay safe, not email crap to you. We have written seven free eBooks for you and they’re ready to download...

Baby on Board: Driving Safety

There are lots of details parents need to pay attention to when driving with their babies in the car. When there is a baby on board, you need to take much more serious safety precautions, which go far beyond putting your seatbelt on or adjusting your rear-view mirror...