Fun & Free

Here we’ll be adding all kinds of downloads related to Child Care First Aid & Safety. The aim is to find you the best information and make it available here.

First Aid

eComm 9-1-1
They provide the emergency response service to Metro Vancouver & the Sea 2 Sky area. Logo for eComm 911 emergency responseIf you’ve visited one of our stands with your kids, you may have some of their information. There’s a 9-1-1 colouring and activity sheet which we’ve used in our kids classes, a kids story book and a ‘kids 9-1-1 tips‘ flyer ready for you to download and print. You can also request hard-copies along with stickers, magnets and other fun things for your children. They also gave us information about eMailing 9-1-1.

Poisons Awareness

Drug & Poisons Info CentreBC Drug & Poisons Information Centre.
If you’ve been to one of our childcare courses, you’ve probably seen one or more flyers from these folks. Based at St Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver they offer all kinds of educational materials around poisons & poisoning.
Is Holly poisonous? Or other plants? What about bubble mix?
How do you prevent poisoning in the first place? Is there anything special you need to be thinking about at this time of year? DPIC has all these answers and much more – go check them out!

Fire Safety

Sparky the Fire Dog

Did you know Sparky has his own website?
As well as fun things for the kids (including the Fire Truck page, of course), there’s a Fire Inspection Checklist to help make sure your place is safe; information about creating escape plans and even a Sparky Safety Information Card. Go check it out yourself. There’s plenty you can print off for the kids when you want to do some Fire Safety work with them.
Wake up & smell the coffee – a blog post we wrote elsewhere. Did you know you can’t smell while you’re asleep? Better make sure you’ve checked your smoke alarms recently.