
Your workplace relies on well-trained employees. For the best training in First Aid & CPR, choose the Canadian Red Cross.

First Aid & CPR

Contents of this page

  • How to select your training team
  • Course contents
  • Course Handouts
  • Legislation

How to select your training team

First Aid & CPR training is mandatory for employees in the workplace; but unlike most other types of safety training, these skills and knowledge are also applicable to an individual’s daily life. This is why we teach people First Aid & CPR in easy-to-follow steps, empowering them to act on, prevent, and manage all of life’s emergencies.
This pdf gives you a quick overview of what to consider when choosing us as your training team.
Our courses are taught by certified Red Cross First Aid Instructors who can tailor the course based on class composition and provide guidance during the course to help increase participant’s skill retention.

Course Contents

The 1 day course contains 7 sessions which cover:

  • Introduction, Administration & the Red Cross
  • Roles & Responsibilities, Preparing to Respond, Prevention of Disease Transmission
  • Check, Call, Care
  • Wound Care & WorkSafeBC paperwork
  • Airway, Breathing & Circulatory Emergencies
  • Shock, Bleeding & Medical Emergencies
  • Knowledge Evaluation & Closing

Course Handouts

The worker handouts are materials which your First Aid Attendant can give to an injured worker to provide them with written information about how to look after their injury. These are included with the course materials, but if you need more copies, have lost them, or would like to read ahead then this pdf contains all 5 handouts:

The First Aid Record is discussed in class and course participants will complete a record themselves. This blank record can be used for reviewing the information needed.
Other materials are also available from WorkSafe BC. We have chosen only to include those used in class to avoid confusion.


All Canadian Red Cross courses meet strict guidelines for content and delivery. Each province and territory of Canada interprets workplace health and safety regulations differently. In addition, there are Regulations which apply to federal government and other national organizations.
Here you can access locally relevant information. For other provinces, see the Red Cross Website on this (which is where we source our information too).

Follow the links below to view Federal and Provincial Legislation:


British Columbia

Canadian Red Cross Training Partner