First Aid Courses in Squamish

First Aid Courses Let’s review what first aid courses we offer in Squamish and beyond, because it’s been a long time since we wrote an update here. First off, we’re based in Squamish – that makes it easy for us to come to you in Squamish,...

Misuse of Epi-Pens is Killing People

Epi-pens and other epinephrine auto-injector devices are designed to be easy to use in the case of an anaphylactic reaction, but 4 out of 5 people who have one don’t use it correctly! As I’m writing this, it’s Christmas eve and the chances of someone...

Can a first aider leave someone to die?

We recently got some fan mail (yes, people do love us) that I think is worth discussing here in more detail. It seems to me that the person had read our ‘4 Bs’ article. Cutting right to the chase, the core question is “Can a first aider leave someone...

What happens when you use an Epi-pen?

You might have allergies yourself, or have a child who does. If so, you might have a lot of questions about using an Epi-Pen that aren’t covered in the standard information leaflet: Will it hurt? Will it bleed? Does it take much force to use? Will it work like...

Snowy Days

Whistler last week, Pemby today, Squamish on Saturday. Snow doesn’t stop us from training!

Can you save a life?

November is CPR month so here’s our question for you – if someone in your family had a heart-attack, would you know what to do? Here’s something to think about: Between 70 & 80% of people lucky enough to get CPR get it from their family or friends But only 1 in 7...